As for the running order in June, I start with Singles at the end, which anchors Cori. Anya might be running a Single, so I will put her assignment in the middle and lead with Laurie. Thus, Greyhounds will be first up for Cori’s assignment and I can fill in with the rest of her breeds to judge.
I don’t really want to start the day and Laurie’s assignment with Whippets, but they do need to come before Ridgebacks to give Anya a moment before her assignment. Azawakh is a good opening breed, but, I don’t want to use it either in case Cori elects to run hers. The group at the bottom are not expected. I’ll hope we have some Ibizan Hounds.
As for Anya’s assignment, I’ll start with Saluki, finish with Deerhounds, and fill in the rest.
Sunday will have Laurie on the back and Cori in the front. Anya stays in the middle for the same reason as Saturday. Laurie’s duties will begin with Saluki and end with Single, Anya’s will start with Greyhound, followed by Azawakh. I’ll start the day, hopefully, with Deerhounds and then follow with the Whippets, Italian Greyhounds, and the rest of Cori’s group.
Just need to fill in the rest, and then double-check my work with the worker sheets and judge assignment table—next post.