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Regional Attachments

Yes, super exciting. I’m going to draft a few of the attachments for the Region 6 Invitational premium, using the premium from 2014 as a guide.

Attachment one is a pair of entry forms. The ones that I made for other day that weekend will do for a basis—just need to update entry information and add the title of the event for some flair.

Second attachment are breeder and kennel stake entry forms. I can reuse the ones from 2014.

Third attachment is a map of the park, and a diagram of the parking arrangements. The map of the park from 2014 is fine, but I need to juggle the location of the equipment and FTS, as I know where I’ll be parking. Also, there won’t be food service, so that needs to be removed as well. I am uncertain about whether we will be able to use the other half of the parking lot. So, jot down a note to contact the park on Monday.

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