It’s Friday, so I will make a review of the event planning sheets this morning to reassure myself that the lack of action this week is justified.
9-10 May ASFA trials at Lake Erie Metropark. I was waiting to see what happens with the Governor’s executive orders before committing any more of my time on this event’s planning. The “stay home” order was extended to 30 April last night, so the event isn’t precluded yet in that regard. I think a poll of the Board would be appropriate at this time—I know where I stand—so, I have sent out an email. The only thing lagging on the planning sheet is the order of portable toilets. Those are unlikely to be in short supply, so waiting shouldn’t be an issue.
27-28 June AKC trials at Armada. I’m still waiting on a contract from the fair, which has likely been delayed due to the pandemic. The premium would be due next—nominally not until mid-May. I’ll give the fair another week and then ask about that contract again.
4-5 July Fast CATs at Monroe. The planning on this is still going forward. I’m waiting on Ann Arbor Kennel Club to post their premium. I’ll confirm the veterinary services to complete the disaster plan and put together our premium, which is nominally due in mid-May.
27-31 August CATs at Kalamazoo. It seems that to keep our priority on these CATs for next May, that we will have to create new events for these. The prospect of creating ten events from scratch is unappealing, so I’m waiting to see how much of that busy-work the AKC staff will do on my behalf. Late fees for application are not an issue, so the milestone target is to have the premium out by mid-July.
10-11 October ASFA trials at Lake Erie Metropark, including the Region 6 Invitational. The idea was to start laying the foundation for this event at the general club meeting in May. That will happen on Saturday, 9 May, with or without an ASFA trial. Need to decide as a club what we want to offer for the Regional and who will take the lead. Of more pressing concern, I still need to identify an FTS due to the conflict with the AWC National Specialty and evaluate what impact that conflict will also have on staffing and judges.